Amanda Daly

Amanda Daly
I've been passionately working with fabric for more than 25 years . . . relax with me as you read about my life and my quilts

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Simple Pleasures

I've been doing a bit of shopping therapy at Edo Arts again. I just love buying antique Japanese textiles and planning new projects to make use of my purchases.

They were a bit musty so I gave them the Shannon Lush treatment and misted them with a spray bottled filled with a few drops of oil of cloves mixed with water. Watching them swinging on the line in the gentle April sun made me feel very content with life. I even felt motivated to give some of my quilt stash a bit on an airing as well.

Don't you just love this time of the year? No more oppressive hot weather.

I feel so thankful for the simple pleasures in life -
Beautiful fabrics
My family and wonderful bushland home
Time to spend quilting
Lazy lunches in the autumn sun
Friends who love to share my passion - Fabric

Sunday, 11 April 2010


We were are at a friends 60th birthday party last night and I thought the time was just right to update my photo. That's me without the beard!

Hubby also looks pretty dashing.